
Saturday, September 3, 2011


We canned peaches! And lots of them! Zach's dad bought us a bushel from the farmer's market on Wednesday and they have been sitting in our house ever since, just waiting to be canned! Actually they've been spread out on the floor in the living room making the house smell so good I wanted to eat them all!

Zach was the mastermind behind all this and he did a great job! When I got home from the Ferris football game last night, he had all the jars washed, knives sharpened, and all the pots & pans ready to go. It made the whole process today go much easier! Here's a quick rundown of the process:

1. Wash peaches and cut out any bad parts.

2. Drop into boiling water until the skin cracks (30-60 seconds).

3. Peel off the skin. Cut into wedges.

4. Fill jars with slices.

5. Pour hot syrup into jars. Put on the lids and bands and place in 7 jars in canner. Boil in canner for 30 minutes.

6. Remove from canner and place on a flat surface to cool. Listen for that popping sound that lets you know they sealed!

My mom also came out to help so half the 21 jars are going to her. :) Can't wait to eat these guys in the middle of February! Tonight, it will be peach cobbler with the few remaining peaches we didn't can. YUM!


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