
Friday, September 2, 2011

Classroom Photos & Football Craziness

This is what my room looked like for Back to School Night on Wednesday. The only difference now is that there is not a giant round table in front of the calendar wall. I don't plan on making any changes for when school starts.

The photos go around the room from left to right. Hopefully that makes sense!

Enjoy! And see how many farm themed things you can pick out!

completed bulletin board in the hallway outside my room

my desk area - I won't be sitting there much!

carpet area with a writing station on the left (the table with a checkered cloth),
author of the month easel, and teaching easel

close up of the poster I put on the easel for Open House Night (for Paul & Britt in NZ!)

Looking at the back wall/corner - the door with the half curtain goes directly into the Kinder room next door
(If you look closely, you can see our superintendent outside cooking hotdogs!)

calendar wall with birthdays & everything!

other half of the North wall -student tables, student work bulletin board, character corner

close up of the "Character Corner" - This is where we will talk about the character trait & habit of mind for each month.
That cupboard holds the books that have a story/moral that exemplifies the trait of the month.

East Wall "Front" of the clasroom -
Daily objectives chart, word wall up high, daily schedule by the door,
and the terribly frail, feeble, old, and worn out whiteboard.

I tried to spruce it up with a certain string of lights around it! :)

In other news, I drove a carload of people (mom, Justin, Mike, & Mike's friend, Johnny) up to Brethren for my brother Travis' high school football game. During football season, we all have a job: My dad's the head coach, Travis is the QB, mom & I take stats, Justin helps with stats & takes pictures, Mike & Johnny are the water boys. We were on the road for 10 minutes when we realized we left the stat book sitting on the counter at my parents house.... so we whipped around and went back for it. Then I had to drive like a maniac to get to the field before game time. We pulled in to the parking lot as they were lined up singing the National Anthem. Oh boy.

We jumped out of the car and ran, literally ran, towards the entrance. Oh yes, and I forgot to say that we were the ones bringing the mini-tapes for the tape recorder so we had to bring that too so the team camera man could film the game. As we ran, mom took the packaging off the tape, we sprinted up the stairs to the press box and burst through door just before the teams took the field! The film guy took the tape, put it in the recorder, we flipped open the stat book & sat down next to the press box coach with the headset just in time!

It was crazy and all done in a giant whirlwind of a last minute rush --- so goes the Thorne family way of life. :)

I love my mom!

missed pitch... unfortunately, this happened a lot

Friday Night Lights, Fence & Crescent Moon
-All football game photos by Justin Thorne


P.S. We lost. 46-8.

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