Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. -Philippians 4:8
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Crazy Bread Lady
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
A little bit of life
Hmmm. Where shall I start? We've moved and just got internet installed in our house today. :) We're connected once again! I actually kind of liked NOT having internet access for a bit. It gave me time for other things like organizing a messy new house and reading a book for fun. Anywhoooooo.
School is still crazy. As in, I’m going crazy. That’s all I have to say about that. My voice is still gone and the strain has moved into a sore throat. This should be interesting since I’m singing at church this Sunday and next…
My class
Oh yeah. Did I mention we moved!? I’m loving the new house! I never realized how much I missed having a carpeted house until I moving in here. It’s so much more cozy. On Saturday, both sets of parents plus some Thorne siblings (my brothers) came and helped us move our things. Thankfully we only moved about 8 miles so we didn’t really pack anything in boxes... We literally threw everything into vehicles and hoped it didn’t break on the ridiculousy bumpy, pot-hole ridden road! Now the unpacking and putting away process begins. Ugh. The master bedroom is mostly set up as well as the living room and kitchen. The decorating will come but for now, it’s livable. I'll try to post a few pictures of the house. It just takes awhile for them to upload....
What else is fairly new? Hmmm. We had goose for dinner last week. I had run out of ideas and time one morning so I asked Zach to throw a few goose breasts into the crock pot with potatoes and carrots and it was great! It tasted just like roast beef. I wish I had taken a picture but we were so hungry that it didn’t last very long. We tried making goose once before on the grill, but it was awful ---so tough and gamey. The crock pot did wonders to tenderize it. As long as we have guns and geese, at least we won’t starve. J
In other small town news, we went out to my parents’ property and “shot skeet” (a.ka. shot clay pigeons) with Rachel & Jared and some of their friends. First of all, a clay pigeon is not even shaped like a pigeon. Why they gave it that name, I have no idea. It’s a thin clay disk, kind of like a tiny Frisbee and it’s painted bright orange. You put the clay pigeon into a thrower that releases the clay into the air when you pull a cord. Anyways, I’m getting off track.
I won. J It was great. Plus it’s a great stress reliever to pull the trigger and watch the clay smash into tiny bits. You really should try it if you ever get the chance.
It's homecoming week at CCA. Justin has a soccer game Friday night at 7pm and Travis has a football game on Saturday at 1pm. Here's a picture from Travis' last home game and Justin's.
Me: (talking about past, present, and future) What do you want to do in the future when you are grown up? Some people go to college, some people get jobs, some people go into the military, and some people decide to get married and have a family.
Student: *under his breath* Forget the getting married part…
Me: D, what do you want to be or do in the future?
D: Ummm. I don’t know. Can you come back to me?
Me: Uh, no. You’re the only person who hasn't answered yet.
D: Okay. Ummmmmmm. Ummmmmmm. I KNOW! In the future, I’ll get a real sword and become a THUNDERCAT! *raises hands into the air emphatically
Me: J, in the future, what do you want to do or be?
J: A zombie killer! *does an machine gun shooting motion with his hands
Me: What do you want to do or be in the future?
Student 1: Nothing.
Me: Nothing?
Student 1: Nothing.
Me: You want to sit on the couch and do nothing?
Student 1: And watch TV.
Student 2: So you want to be lazy?!
Hope you got a laugh out of these guys. It’s hard to keep a straight face when one of these comments come out. :)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Cake Balls & Other Things
You'll never want to make a regular cake again....
I don't.
1 box of cake mix (I used Funfetti but you can use any flavor you like)
1 can of frosting (I used vanilla)
1 package of candy making chocolate
1. Bake the cake according to the package directions. It doesn't even matter what kind of pan you bake it in because after the next step, you won't even know.
2. Allow cake to cool, then crumble into a large bowl.
3. Add entire can of frosting to crumbled cake. Mix until cake is moist.
4. Use a spoon (or your hands) to form small balls.
5. Place the balls on a cookie sheet and put in the freezer overnight.
6. Melt the candy chocolate (according to the package directions) in a small but deep dish - either a glass pyrex measuring cup or even a coffee mug works too.
7. Dunk the cake ball into the melted chocolate and place back on the cookie sheet. This is the trickiest part of the whole process. I dropped the balls in and used a spoon to roll it around in the chocolate then fish it out.
8. Top with sprinkles (or anything else for that matter) immediately or else the chocolate hardens and nothing sticks. :)
9. Once the chocolate hardens, the cake balls are ready to eat! You could put them back in the freezer if you wish to keep them firm. Just take them out shortly before serving.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
First Day of School / Things I Forgot About Being a Teacher
There's 22 little guys & gals in my class and they all showed up today! They've got a TON of energy & they're super inquisitive so it's going to be a fun year.
Plus I also remembered a few things about being a teacher that I had forgotten last year as a parapro.
1. You can't go to the bathroom when you gotta go. Yep. This is the first thing on my list because I experienced it several times today! Recess and specials time are my friend because I get a long enough break to make a bathroom stop.
2. Kids like to tell stories --even if it's not remotely relevant to what we are talking about at the moment.
3. Six year olds DO NOT sit still. I forgot how much those buggers wiggle! Give me a few weeks and I'll get used to all the movement again. :)
4. Seating charts are my friend. It makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE in each child's learning when each child is seated in a place that is best suited to their personality traits and behaviors.
5. Tough love. This one is probably the hardest but most rewarding because it's all about holding kids accountable for their words & actions. There's consequences for everything, positive ones and negative ones. They don't always like it when they make a poor choice and I crack down with the negative consequence, but that's how discipline works. Making a rule and following through on the consequences when it is broken. No amount of whining, complaining, or crocodile tears are going to stop me from following through on the consequence. The kids benefit from the consistency and the realization that they can't manipulate me into giving in to their protests. :) And that's life: you make a bad choice, you reap a bad consequence; you make a good choice, you reap a good consequence. Hopefully I'll be doling out more positive consequences as the students learn to make good choice in their actions.
Welp. That's enough. I'm tired. My feet hurt. And I guess that leads me to #6 on my list:
6. Teachers NEVER sit down. At least lower elementary teachers anyways. We stand ALL DAY. That being said, reminder to self: wear more comfortable shoes tomorrow. :)
Mrs. Cook, 1st Grade Teacher
Saturday, September 3, 2011
We canned peaches! And lots of them! Zach's dad bought us a bushel from the farmer's market on Wednesday and they have been sitting in our house ever since, just waiting to be canned! Actually they've been spread out on the floor in the living room making the house smell so good I wanted to eat them all!
Zach was the mastermind behind all this and he did a great job! When I got home from the Ferris football game last night, he had all the jars washed, knives sharpened, and all the pots & pans ready to go. It made the whole process today go much easier! Here's a quick rundown of the process:
1. Wash peaches and cut out any bad parts.
5. Pour hot syrup into jars. Put on the lids and bands and place in 7 jars in canner. Boil in canner for 30 minutes.
6. Remove from canner and place on a flat surface to cool. Listen for that popping sound that lets you know they sealed!
My mom also came out to help so half the 21 jars are going to her. :) Can't wait to eat these guys in the middle of February! Tonight, it will be peach cobbler with the few remaining peaches we didn't can. YUM!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Classroom Photos & Football Craziness
Enjoy! And see how many farm themed things you can pick out!