
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fabulous Weekend

This weekend has been fabulous. There was no school Friday because of parent teacher conferences all week long and I was SO HAPPY to get a day off. The first one since school started... Eight weeks of every day, five days a week with those crazy kiddos. In some ways it's nice that the fall doesn't get broken up by half days and holidays and snow days so that the students can get into some kind of routine - but it sure makes for a LONG first quarter for the teachers. This three day weekend feels like a mini-vacation and I've tried to enjoy every minute of it!

Friday morning I slept in until 9AM. Ahhhhh. A good 12 hours of sleep! I did some reading and light cleaning around the house then ran some errands in town. I finally changed my address at the Secretary of State, went to my parents house and saw their dog's cute cute puppies!

Cheagle puppies

They are beagle mixed with chihuahua which sounds weird but they're cute now. Apparently they are known as "Cheagles." Still considered a hybrid mutt dog but at least they have a name. I made it home in time to spend some time on Pinterest before our date. YAY! Zach and I went to Grand Rapids to see a movie and grab some dinner. Every man who calls himself a father, or one day wants to be one, needs to see the movie "Courageous."

I knew from the watching the trailer online that I would probably cry throughout the whole movie and I was right. It's so moving. You dads out there are SO NEEDED in your children's lives!!! By the time the movie got done, it was 9:40PM so we didn't eat until about 10PM and leave GR until 10:45. That meant we got home at 11:45... good thing I had the option of sleeping in again!

Saturday I heard Zach get up then he kissed me goodbye to go work on the farm. I just went back to sleep - forgetting the battery died on my phone so there was no alarm to wake me up. I woke up to the gorgeous sunshine at 11AM. Wow. I haven't slept that late in ages! But again, another 12 hours of glorious sleep. For some reason, I feel best when I get 8 hours of sleep or more. Heaven help me when we have kids.... because that's gonna change.

Anyways, once I got up I started in on making Pumpkin Spice donuts that have been on my mind for a month now! I've been talking about them for so long I was glad to finally make them! My first batch turned out a bit undercooked and the cinnamon sugar coating was a little too heavy on the cinnamon (I started coughing I put so much cinnamon in there, oops!). The second batch turned out much better. Just baked them a bit longer and re-made the cinnamon sugar with less cinnamon.

Pumpkin Spice Donuts

Zach came home for lunch and got to eat a donut hot out of the oven. He gave them the thumbs up. After that, I decided to make Pumpkin Pie Squares. I mean, come on. I already had the can of pumpkin puree opened, I might as well do something with the rest of it!

I worked on school stuff this afternoon (grading tests, checking in homework, creating a new seating chart). You're probably thinking, "How hard can it be to give 6-year olds a new seat?" Well let me tell you: very hard. Especially when the number of kids who talk incessantly outweigh the number of kids who are respectful and talk when they should and don't when they shouldn't. It's hard. It's hard to fit 22 bodies into my small classroom so I'm limited in the configurations I can make. Not to mention I have trapezoid shaped tables. Yes, trapezoid. What happened to just plain 'ol rectangles? That'd be helpful but I'm not up to spending my money to buy new tables.

My sister Rachel came over in the late afternoon. I let her browse around on Pinterest while I kept going with school stuff. Then we made chili and cornbread for dinner before she headed out to go see her boyfriend, Jared and his brother, Jake. We had Pumpkin Pie Squares with cool whip for dessert. I love fall and I love pumpkin pie!

Pumpkin Pie Squares

Zach's back at the farm and I'm home alone. These are the days I wish we had a pet: a cat or a dog. Just something to keep me company. But that's not gonna happen while we live here. There's a no pets inside the house rule. That's the downside of renting, we don't get to make the rules. In the meantime, I'll just have to survive on cute puppy pictures my sister Katie texts me of her in-laws new puppy, Juno. And by searching Pinterest for cute pets. Ha ha.

Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow we meet with a few elders for interviews to become members of our church. We went to the membership class and interviews are the second to last step before official approval by the rest of the congregation. The last step being that our names get published in the bulletin as seeking membership and other members have a chance to speak their piece. If all goes well, which it will, we'll be approved at the next congregational meeting this winter.

Well, I'm off to do... umm, well... I don't know what I'm going to do. Probably get my lesson plans ready for next week. Because I haven't looked at them since I walked out the door on Thursday night at 7:15PM.

Can't wait for Thanksgiving! Which we are hosting. All 30 something Thorne family members packed into our house. Combine it with delicious food and football and we're all set!

Just don't spill on the white carpet...


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