My third vehicle died on Monday afternoon. I was driving home with a car full of groceries when I heard a flapping sound then the engine quit... thankfully, I coasted into a nearby parking lot of a Bed and Breakfast/Riding Stable and even more thankfully I had cell phone service so I could make a phone call to Zach. He called Tyler, who came with a pick up truck and towing chain and dragged me home. The serpentine belt went bad which threw off a bunch of other stuff. Zach tried so hard to get it going again when he got home from work until the wee hours of the morning but with no success. He drove me to work yesterday and then my dad drove me home - I felt like I was in high school again! Zach dropped me off again today and then my mom took me to pick up a rental car until we can figure out what to do with the dead car: fix it? Or look for a new (used) one?
Since my second car died back in February-ish we've been looking, and looking, and looking, and looking for a new used car. But there just don't seem to be any around.... We drove to Lansing to look at a car at a dealership, which they were going to hold for us to test drive, and they sold it the night before. No phone call to tell us, "Hey don't bother driving all the way to Lansing because we sold it." Nothing. Zach was not happy about that! It seems like every one we find gets sold before we can get there. Plus with gas prices going up, people want little cars with good gas mileage -which is conveniently what we're looking for too - so prices of smaller used cars have gone up because they're in bigger demand. Oh well. I just keep praying and praying that we find one with low mileage for a cost in our price range. For now I've got a rental car.
School's almost done and I can't wait! The heat is SWELTERING in the elementary building I work in! It's an old building so there's no air conditioning. It's been in the low 90s here the past few days! The temperature only goes up as you go up the floors in the school. Good thing we are DONE on Friday.
I applied for a 1st grade teaching position at CCA. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long before interviews. It'd be nice to know early in the summer so I can start preparing a classroom and my mind! I've already decided my classroom with have a farm theme (it just seems to fit seeing who I'm married to!). I've slowly started to collect things like farm stuffed animals, farm books, baskets, crates, and things like that.
Well, I was off to make dinner when the battery died on my computer then my sister Amy arrived for dinner. So here's the post now that I actually wrote last night.
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