Somehow we made it through two WHOLE weeks of school without any snow or ice days!
(Shocking. I know.)
And I'm exhausted! By Wednesday night I was ready to sleep for 24 hours straight --- and probably could have if I got the chance.
Only two weeks until spring break, which means only two weeks left of work! Nine school days until I'm DONE! :) At least this class of kiddos has been better behaved so it makes leaving a little sad. Kinda. Especially when they write me notes like this:
This Saturday (tomorrow) will be my classroom work day as I try to clean up all my little messes and piles of papers everywhere and get things all mapped out for my long term sub - who still remains to be determined...
March is Reading Month and our 1st grade team choose the Froggy books by Jonathan Landon as our book of the month. After reading a few Froggy books to our classes, here's a peek at the 1st grade bulletin boards in our hallway.
Mrs. Kostecki's Frog Life Cycle |
Mrs. Seaver's Frog Facts |
Mrs. Cook's Frog Reading Recommendations |
During the month of February, Robert Munsch was our Author of the Month. Every day I read the class a different Robert Munsch book. They are SO funny and the kids always laugh because he has a great way of taking ordinary life events and turning it into something crazy! If all you know Robert Munsch for is the cute-sy "I'll Love You Forever," then you need to head over to your nearest public library and check out a a bigger stack of his books. Also, his website has audios of him reading his books aloud! Very funny to hear him read his own stories! All you have to do is try to keep up with turning the pages as he goes.
A few kids in my class recommend "Andrew's Loose Tooth" and here's why:
"I like this book because it was funny because the tooth fairy had a motorcycle." |
"I liked this book because when the dentist tried to pull Andrew's tooth with a rope and his car fell apart." |
In other happenings at home, my mother-in-law threw us a great shower on Saturday. A bunch of the O'Neill and Cook women came as well as friends and family friends. The basement was all set up with cute little clothes on a clothesline and an adorable diaper cake! Topped with a pink pig of course! The tables were red & white gingham and the food was delicious. Not to mention all the lovely gifts: things from the registry like the jogging stroller & bouncy seat. Homemade things, like a cool ABC crochet quilt. And creative things, like an airplane toy from the cousin who is a pilot and a children's story Bible. I had a really great time and was so thankful for all the people who helped out, especially since Zach's mom's back was still incredibly painful (this was before her surgery this past week - which went extremely well and she is now home recovering!).
This past week I had planned to make crescent rolls as a side with the spaghetti dinner I made. Then I decided to spruce them up a bit. My first thought was to spread them with butter and garlic before I rolled them up and baked them - kind of a twist on garlic bread. But then my mind really got churning when I saw the cream cheese in the fridge... so I scooped some of the cream cheese into a bowl, tossed in some salt, pepper, garlic, onion, and parsley and stirred it all together. I spread the mixture on top of the crescent dough. Next, I sprinkled a little mozzarella cheese on top of half of them and rolled them up. On the remaining four crescents I sprinkled mozzarella cheese and bacon bits. Those were for Zach. He loves bacon bits and I can't stand the taste/smell of them; not now, not ever, will I like them...
Spruced up crescent rolls - pre-bake
Post bake - cream cheese & cheese on left -- cream cheese, cheese & bacon bits on right |
They turned out delicious! I suppose a shortcut would have been to just use an onion and chive cream cheese but I was cooking and inventing on the fly.
The Little Cookie is still in there a-growing away! The top of my stomach is really starting to hurt/ache because I can feel my ab muscles pulling apart... that's going to be fun to try to put back together after she's born...
In some ways I feel like I'm back at the beginning of my pregnancy again: the frequent bathroom trips, waking up feeling ravenously hungry even though I just ate something before bed, and the tiredness... except now my belly is 10x bigger!
Doctor appointments are now every week. This week her heart rate was 144 bpm and she still measured right on for 36 weeks. The doctor also did the Group B strep swab and checked my cervix, which to my surprise is already dilated to 1 1/2 cm. Now, I know it can be dilated like that for the next four weeks, but I had quite the reality check that she really could come at any time now! 36-40 weeks is considered full term so now they won't do anything to stop labor once it starts!
35 weeks |
36 weeks - 9 months! |
So much to do and so little time - like prep my classroom, clean up the nursery enough so a person can actually walk in there without tripping, falling, and dying, write thank you notes, spring clean, and oh yeah - I should probably think about packing a hospital bag! We have the outfit all picked out that she's going to come home in!
Anything you were glad you had at the hospital (for you or baby)?
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